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Writer's pictureNechama Sklar

Free checklist & 5 things to do every day as a writer

Being a writer. It's a wild ride. And sometimes we don't feel very much like writers, especially when we are unpublished. Well, don't worry, I'm here to tell you (and let's be honest, mostly myself) that the only thing that makes us writers is that we write. If you write consistently if you're actively working on a project, even better.

So for those of you out there that aren't sure how to go about starting this whole writing thing or doing it on a steady basis, here are some things you can try to get your writing off the ground, from one clueless writer to another.

This is a list of five things I try to do every day, or at the very least once a week for some of them, to make myself the best writer possible. To keep the inspiration flowing. And to get that novel written.

If you like free things, I have a download you can get by clicking here. It will give you a checklist of all the things I outlined here for you to check off every day to keep yourself accountable.

Ready? Let's do this!

1. Write - The one thing you absolutely must do to be a writer. Write. Write every day you can. If I do nothing else on this list, then I try my best to at least get some writing down. Even if you can only write 200 words or even 100. Write as many words as you reasonably can.

Every word is practice. Every little bit gets you better at writing. All of it is experience. All of you get closer to your writing goal. Each is valuable. You can use WordCounter to keep your word count on track.

In the begging, it will take you longer to write. But choose a number that you know you can get done and stick with it. Slowly, you will get that word count done faster and easier. And slowly, you can increase your word count.

2. Surround yourself with inspiration - Drown yourself in it. My biggest tip for not running headfirst into writer's block is to just supply your imagination with inspiration at least once a day.

Every night, I unwind by going on Pinterest. I look at pictures for inspiration. Portraits of possible characters. Art of possible landscapes, scenes & tech. I look for fashion inspiration.

Creature inspiration. Writing & character prompts. Everything to give me more ideas for my story, everything to keep the creative juices flowing. Here are some great resources:

My Pinterest boards:

Writing prompts:

3. Learn - To get better at anything, there are pretty much two things you need to do: practice it as much as you can and learn about it as much as you can. Keep practicing. Keep learning. You'll get there (that's what I keep telling myself, anyway).

There are so many awesome resources out there. YouTubers who give advice writing, who take apart movies & books to see what writers can learn from them. Books on writing. Here are a few of my favorites:



  • Wonderbook - the illustrated guide to creating imaginative fiction

  • D is for Dahl - While not a book directly about writing, this peek at the look & writing at the prolific author is a helpful & interesting guide.

4. Learn about real things to apply to your writing -

Everyone has things that they enjoy learning more about. Learning more about the things that pique your interest and incorporating it into your writing is a great way for you to combine two things you enjoy. And to introduce your readers to things they may not have been interested in otherwise. As a bonus, research is a great way to get story ideas.

What do you enjoy? Science? History? Travel? Food? Mythology? All of these things can be a great real-life inspiration for your novel. And there are lots of well- written, even fun to read resources out there. Here are some great ones:

Blogs & youtube:

Books & shows :

5. Make goals- This is so vitally important. I always have a writing goal at the begging of the month, the week, the day. For example, I write 1,000 words every day (three days for my blog, 3 days for my novel), one chapter a week & 4 chapters a month, and then some outlining & worldbuilding things when I finish my daily or weekly goals.

Here are some planning resources:

My planners (go here to learn more about them):

And before you go:

Check out this ultimate list of all the things I love & use. It's a great way to find the great products I love & use and support me as a bonus.

If you enjoy my writing and you have a blog of your own or pretty much anything that needs writing, maybe you can work with me.

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